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A Short Note on Setting Swap Parameters
Nihar ShahSuraj SrinivasanLucas BakerAlex Toberoff
This short note illustrates the theoretical solution to a trader determining how to optimally swap her wealth into a target asset through on-chain operations. It offers the framework to solve optimal slippage parameters and optimal trade size.

Invariance Properties of Maximal Extractable Value
Alan Guo
We develop a formalism for reasoning about trading on decentralized exchanges on blockchains and a formulation of a particular form of maximal extractable value (MEV) that represents the total arbitrage opportunity extractable from on-chain liquidity.

CycloneNTT: An NTT/FFT Architecture Using Quasi-Streaming of Large Datasets on DDR- and HBM-Based FPGA Platforms
Kaveh AasaraaiEmanuele CesenaRahul MagantiNicolas StalderJavier VarelaKevin Bowers
Number-Theoretic-Transform (NTT) is a variation of Fast-Fourier-Transform (FFT) on finite fields and is increasingly being used in blockchain and zero-knowledge proof applications. In this paper, we explain how CycloneNTT fits into this equation and the problem it solves.

FPGA Acceleration of Multi-Scalar Multiplication: CycloneMSM
Kaveh AasaraaiDon BeaverEmanuele CesenaRahul MagantiNicolas StalderJavier Varela
Multi-Scalar Multiplication (MSM) on elliptic curves is one of the primitives and bottlenecks at the core of many zero-knowledge proof systems. Speeding up MSM typically results in faster proof generation, which in turn makes ZK-based applications practical.

Strategic Peer Selection Using Transaction Value and Latency
Lucas BakerKushal Babel
In this paper, we study how existing definitions and algorithms for latency optimization can be augmented with information about about the transactions themselves in order to optimize peering algorithms.

Some Simple Economics of Stablecoins
Nihar ShahChristian CataliniAlonso de Gortari
Stablecoins have the potential to drastically increase competition and innovation in financial services by reducing our reliance on traditional intermediaries. But they also introduce new challenges, which we navigate through in this paper.

Strategic Liquidity Provision in Uniswap v3
Michael NeuderDaniel J. MorozRithvik RaoDavid C. Parkes
We formalize the problem of strategic liquidity provision and study three classes of strategies for liquidity providers: uniform, proportional, and optimal (via a constrained optimization problem).

Low-Cost Attacks on Ethereum 2.0 by Sub-1/3 Stakeholders
Michael NeuderDaniel J. MorozRithvik RaoDavid C. Parkes
We outline two dishonest strategies that can be cheaply executed on the Ethereum 2.0 Beacon Chain, even by validators holding less than one-third of the total stake: malicious chain reorganizations ('reorgs') and finality delays.

Setting Stablecoin Standards
Nihar ShahChristian Catalini
US regulators have suggested that only FDIC-insured financial institutions be allowed to issue stablecoins. We propose an alternative path, which provides similar guarantees in terms of financial resilience.

Defending Against Malicious Reorgs in Tezos Proof-of-Stake
Michael NeuderDaniel J. MorozRithvik RaoDavid C. Parkes
Blockchains are intended to be immutable, so an attacker who is able to delete transactions through a chain reorganization (a malicious reorg) can perform a profitable double-spend attack. We study the rate at which this can happen.

Selfish Behavior in the Tezos Proof-of-Stake Protocol
Michael NeuderDaniel J. MorozRithvik RaoDavid C. Parkes
Proof-of-Stake consensus protocols give rise to complex modeling challenges. We analyze the recently-updated Tezos Proof-of-Stake protocol and demonstrate that how sometimes rational participants are incentivized to behave dishonestly.

Doubly Heterogeneous Monetary Spillovers
Monetary spillovers are heterogeneous in two ways: how central banks generate them and how countries receive them. First, the Fed is mostly unique in its ability to affect other countries' financial markets, among ten developed central banks.

Discord and Harmony in Networks
Andrea GaleotiiBenjamin GolubSanjeev GoyalRithvik Rao
Consider a coordination game played on a network, where agents prefer taking actions closer to those of their neighbors and to their own ideal points in action space. We explore what welfare outcomes depend on and what it all means.

Machine Learning for Compliance-Weighted Wald Estimators
Nihar ShahDominic Coey
In experiments with noncompliance, some subjects assigned to the treatment group may be unlikely to actually receive treatment, presenting difficulties for obtaining precise estimates of treatment effects. In this study, we seek to address the issue by introducing a class of compliance-weighted Wald estimators in which those unlikely to be compliers are downweighted and observe the effects.